My name is Justin Endres Co-owner and Co-Founder of Mind Over Body. Fitness has been a part of my life since 2011 when I joined the Marine Corps. During my four years of active service, I learned the importance of structured discipline, self-accountability, and battling through the pain to reach your goals. I have since used fitness to better all aspects of my life. We formed Mind Over Body to help share this mentality with others who want to achieve more out of their lives. Being able to build on top of this mind set has opened many doors for me and my companies. I utilized this mindset in all aspects of life. I have learned that a well-disciplined structured mind will produce an organized life. I use fitness to gauge my accountability, it takes effort in the gym to receive the physical results. I personally believe the standards we set for ourselves to adhere to are of the most importance. I believe we are the mean of the people we spend the most time with. I treat my life as a process, this means the effort I put into an activity the results shall be just as proportionate. If failure is not an option, success will be the inevitable result. If one can think it in their mind, believe it in their hearts, they can build it with their hands. I believe my purpose in life is to help guide individuals towards their purpose by building a community around health, wealth, and fitness. I believe if we strive towards these three goals, we can build a better tomorrow. We are what we eat, we become what we tell ourselves.
Justin Endres Co-owner