About Us
My name is Sheana Witt Co-Owner and Co-founder of Mind Over Body. I’m from a small town in Mississippi. I have learned through my life experiences and interactions with other’s nothing can bring one peace but oneself. My fitness journey began as a place I would go to avoid the noise. I was a full-time college student working two jobs, one was cleaning houses the other was waiting tables. I was beyond stressed out with numerous medical problems and always struggling to make it through the week. After spending countless days emotionally and physically exhausted, not showing up for myself mentally and physically; I decided to make a change. The idea of Mind Over Body came to me from a previous entrepreneur experience of doing door to door sales. Every morning I showed up to work I was surrounded by a team of visionaries, doers, and people who spoke and sought growth in their day. Never knowing whose door, I was knocking on or what obstacle I would face. Although it was business, for me it was an outlet I could go to for self and self-development. Every morning I was surrounded by a circle of people that were hungry for their vision and would start their day with identifying goals out loud. No matter what the obstacle for the day was, or what city I was in, the mission was to pull through and to get on board. It simply started with being present in the moment and creating the unknown day ahead “to do better” for a better tomorrow. I then let this mentality work through me, much like a canvas or drawing board that I could go to and paint the day I wanted. I then took this journey of expression into the weight room as an outlet for growth and change, soon transformed into a passion and a mindset, I wanted to share with the world. Soon after I made the decision to shift my energy from an outward expression to inward progression, I started to see progress. I decided to quit my mundane jobs to pursue the NASM. The gym has become my playground. After earning my NASM I began to learn the purpose behind each exercise and how to implement structured routine to form the body. After implementing extreme discipline, mentally and physically I have seen my body change from overweight with barely any muscle tone to slightly toned and more lean. I have a better relationship with food, the gym, stress, and my body in general. With devotion and discipline, I’ve learned showing up, committing mentally, and having extreme self-accountability I could not only form the body I want but also help others change their lives and perspective as well.

My name is Justin Endres Co-owner and Co-Founder of Mind Over Body. Fitness has been a part of my life since 2011 when I joined the Marine Corps. During my four years of active service, I learned the importance of structured discipline, self-accountability, and battling through the pain to reach your goals. I have since used fitness to better all aspects of my life. We formed Mind Over Body to help share this mentality with others who want to achieve more out of their lives. Being able to build on top of this mind set has opened many doors for me and my companies. I utilized this mindset in all aspects of life. I have learned that a well-disciplined structured mind will produce an organized life. I use fitness to gauge my accountability, it takes effort in the gym to receive the physical results. I personally believe the standards we set for ourselves to adhere to are of the most importance. I believe we are the mean of the people we spend the most time with. I treat my life as a process, this means the effort I put into an activity the results shall be just as proportionate. If failure is not an option, success will be the inevitable result. If one can think it in their mind, believe it in their hearts, they can build it with their hands. I believe my purpose in life is to help guide individuals towards their purpose by building a community around health, wealth, and fitness. I believe if we strive towards these three goals, we can build a better tomorrow. We are what we eat, we become what we tell ourselves.
Mind over body is a community built around like minded individuals who want to better themselves in all aspects, in and out of the weight room. It’s a mental battle of committing and showing up. We believe that mentality is everything. Depending on what you feed yourself it will grow. You feed yourself negativity and doubt you will receive negativity and doubt. What one feeds their mind, will in turn become one’s reality. We believe character built on self-accountability and discipline, is the best foundation for success in all aspects of life. Pure self-accountability, at its essence, is to be accountable of where your mind is at, accountable of where your body is at, and do the things that your mind knows you need to get done regardless of what your body feels that it should be doing. We believe that starts with self-accountability, discipline, and standards. We feel it should be a place of standards, a community of standards.
Individuals who are patient and willing enough to apply discipline day after day month after month receive progression. If one can have the discipline to mind their health mentally and physically all paths will lead towards progression. If you can have the discipline to implement something, you don’t want to do one-third out of your week. That’s a step towards progress. That’s a step towards betterment. That’s a step towards accountability. Mind Over Body is the “I” holding the “ME” accountable. The “ME” or the ego wants to be lazy and comfortable but the “I ” knows we can do more. The ole “I don’t feel like cooking, so I’ll just grab some fast food.” We can do better. I might suck today but it leaves room for improvement. Tomorrow I will do better. It just starts with doing better.