My name is Sheana Witt, I’m from a small town in Mississippi. I have learned through my life experiences and interactions with others nothing can bring one peace but oneself. My fitness journey began as a place I would go to avoid the noise. I was a full time college student working two jobs, one was cleaning houses the other was waiting tables. I was beyond stressed out with numerous medical problems and always struggling to make it through the week. After spending countless days emotionally and physically exausted, not showing up for myself mentally and physically I decided to make a change. My journey began as an outlet for growth and change, soon transformed into a passion I wanted to share with the world. Soon after I made to decision to shift my energy from an outward expression to inward progression, I decided to quit my two mundane jobs and college to pursue the NASM. The gym has become my playground. After earning my NASM I began to learn the purpose behind each exercise and how to implement structured routine to form the body. After implementing extreme discipline, mentally and physically I have seen my body change from over weight with barely any muscle tone to slightly toned and more lean. I have a better relationship with food, the gym, stress, and my body in general. With devotion and discipline I’ve learned showing up, committing mentally, and having extreme self accountability I could not only form the body I want but also help others change their perspective.