​The drawing board is where we go to create and utilize movements, programming, methodology in training and nutrition to help people reach their goals.  No two people are alike, we are like a blank canvas that you can mold and shape to create your best self.  I believe you only grow once you get outside your comfort zone.  Our team will challenge you to be the best version of you.


For many people the gym is a place you go to as an escape outlet for change in life. Our beloved community has a way to really connect and make an impact in one’s journey.


“We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our skin”- Andre Berthiaume

I believe fitness is a great avenue to help people overcome challenges, whether it’s depression, and anxiety that have held one back from being their best self, gaining self confidence or just wanting to live a healthy lifestyle.


Mind over body is a community built around like minded individuals who want to better themselves in all aspects, in and out of the weight room. It’s a mental battle of committing and showing up. We believe that mentality is everything. Depending on what you feed yourself it will grow. You feed yourself negativity and doubt you will receive negativity and doubt. What one feeds their mind, will in turn become one’s reality.  We believe character built on self-accountability and discipline, is the best foundation for success in all aspects of life. Pure self accountability, at its essence, is to be accountable of where your mind is at, accountable of where your body is at, and do the things that your mind knows you need to get done regardless of what your body feels that it should be doing. We believe that starts with self accountability, discipline, and standards. We feel it should be a place of standards, a community of standards.

Individuals who are patient and willing enough to apply discipline day after day month after month receive progression. If one can have the discipline to mind their health mentally and physically all paths will lead towards progression. If you can have the discipline to implement something you don’t want to do one-third out of your week. That’s a step towards progress. That’s a step towards betterment. That’s a step towards accountability. Mind Over Body is the “I” holding the “ME” accountable. The “ME” or the ego wants to be lazy and comfortable but the “I ” knows we can do more. The ole “I don’t feel like cooking, so ill just grab some fast food.” We can do better. I might suck today but it leaves room for improvement. Tomorrow I will do better. It just starts with doing better.

Join the community and M.O.B.


You will have Instant access to all our unique workouts and customized nutrition plans from our dieticians team. Train with us at home or in the gym.


Join the like minded community as you excel on your fitness journey. We are a strong network of individuals who want to create a positive growing community inside and outside the weight room. While striving towards perfection accepting progression. Always leaving with the mentality of being one percent better than yesterday.


And the support of the amazing crew MOB. We are there for you weather you need motivation to keep going or if you just want to ask questions about your plans. You will never be or feel alone under this journey with us!


Select a package that best fits your goals. Next will be a customized workout plan on how we are going to achieve them. We will be with you step by step while getting you to your goals.


Get access to online coaching via direct private messaging. This is a chance to get direct access to your health, wealth, and mindset coach inside and out side the weight room. Set up your live zoom consultation today. We have partnered up with a dietician team as well as crypto currency investment firm.